Tuesday, July 26, 2016


I had a husband. He had light brown hair and the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. He worked for Thomas Jefferson High School; he loved his students, he loved his co-workers, sometimes I think he loved Debra too much. He taught world history and european history. He could talk about Queen Elizabeth the first for hours at a time. I miss his uninvited history lessons.

I had a seventeen year old daughter. She had my blonde hair and my husbands green eyes. She always seemed very popular among her classmates. I could tell by the way she looked at Vincent that she never really loved him like she said. She loved the thought of his money and who his family was. That poor boy was too naive to realize it. I wish I could have told that boy that he was dating a cold hearted bitch.

I had a three year old son. He had dark brown hair and my brown eyes. I knew one of my kids would get my eyes. I just didn’t count on them getting my father-in-law's hair. He was so curious. He just wanted to figure out the entire world with his little brain. He would ask me why the sky is blue, why grass is green and not blue or red, why did the people on the television have such big butts. I was as honest as I could be, but one day he asked me why mommy and daddy fight so much. I told him because sometimes people think they’re perfect for each other but that isn’t always the case. I could tell he didn’t understand but why did I expect him to at three?

I laid him down for a nap later that day. I also put a bullet in my head.

But I’d rather forget that last part.

Until tomorrow.

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