Saturday, July 30, 2016


I’m blonde. I’m skinny. I’m rich. I have big boobs, a big butt, and the best blow job lips. I’m twenty one years old with an entire mansion dedicated to my clothes. I own all the newest clothes but why wouldn’t I? I’m rich! Whenever a trend goes out of style or I get tired of clothes I burn them. My daddy makes all our servants start a huge fire and then I get to throw all the old clothes off my balcony and into the flames. One time I threw an old boyfriend into the flame… allegedly.

My daddy is a billionaire. He was given one million dollars on his eighteenth birthday and told to continue my grandpas legacy. In my opinion he’s done a fine job. My daddy owns thousands of restaurants and car dealerships so the money always is plentiful.

My mom is whore who can go die in a hole and burn! I should throw her in the next fire! I need to tell Maria took take a note of that.

Sometimes I get lonely being so rich. I can’t trust anyone because they all want to use me for my money but honestly I’d use me to if I wasn’t me. But I’m me so that doesn’t matter. I’ve learned that feelings suck, so I’ve decided to have no feelings towards anything but money.

Call me a bitch but whatever. I’m going to go buy a new lamborghini peasants.

People say money can’t buy happiness, too bad they’re right.

Until tomorrow.  

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